About us
Jamaican Café Cuisine was born from the idea of many years of entrepreneurship as a youngster attending Elementary school and had to assist my mom in providing the necessities for myself and my siblings. As I journeyed through high school, I became more efficient in marketing many different products and odd jobs for tourists visiting Jamaica. I would get anything they need for marginal profits if it was not offered in the hotel. During this time, I met two gentlemen with whom I have now shared friendships for over 24 years. One of whom has mentored me over these years.
By the time I got to 8th grade I was making enough money to take care of all my school supplies ,help around the home ,and a little bit to spare sometimes. My mother on the other hand works in the factory as a seamstress during the week and sold other items at the market on weekends. After doing so she quit the factory and became self employed as a full time seamstress, which she still does until today. During the off seasons we would visit an annual festival in the hills of St. Elizabeth, called Accompony Town. There both of us would prepare and sell food and beverages to customers over a 2 day period, which we did for over 5 consecutively years.
When life becomes tedious and that was not enough due its seasonal tenure we started cooking and serving food at a construction site for the workers. Shortly after a new and bigger construction project started we erected a permanent structure where my mom continued for an extended period of time to prepare food and beverages to hundreds of construction workers . I shared my story because my passion for being a business owner and that of a restaurant did not just appear prematurely; however, it was nurtured with years of hard work and finally became a reality. I truly embrace the slogan that" everyone is a customer and deserves the utmost attention "which is one of our hallmarks at Jamaican Café Cuisine.
Therefore ,at Jamaican Café Cuisine we pride ourselves in giving back to the community. We will continue the gift of giving because our communities are our greatest assets , and backbone of our business and its success. - Nyron Cameron - Owner
Our Staff

I was born and grown in Jamaica, and lived in Montego Bay for most of my formative years . I migrated to the USA in 2002, attended Wilmington University graduated with Bachelors of Science in Finance and Human Resources concentration, later earned Master’s in Business Admiration with Concentration of Homeland Security, after which I went on to Regent University where I earn a second Masters in Theology with a concentration in Military Chaplaincy. In my quest to give back to my community and in a sense of national pride, I joined and still serve the Delaware National Guard, deployed to Afghanistan in support of Operating enduring Freedom.

Jasnett was integral in the establishment of Jamaican Cafe Cuisine. She has over 25 years of cooking in various locations and capacity. She singled handily kept the restaurant a float got the past 15 months by preparing some of the most delicious meals in this area. Jasnett sprint from a family with ex exceptional skills. She continues to win the hearts and minds of Delawareans, Pennsylvanians, Jersey Heights and Marylanders. She certainly had the best interest of our customers in mind. Jamaican Cafe Cuisine says thank you.

The newest addition to the team. Desmond has been a chef for over 30 years. He has managed and operate large cooking establishments ranging from staff cafeterias at private corporations to public hospitals. He has held numerous other positions. Most of all his love and passion for preparing a variety of nutritious and delicious dishes has energized him over these many years. Jamaican Cafe Cuisine welcomes Desmond Lawson renoun Jamaican chef.